Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech Shooting

It's unfortunate in this country that it takes random acts of violence to really make us all take a step back from our self-absorbed lives to realize what's important. Okay, well maybe we are not all so self-absorbed and narcissistic, but my point here is that when tragedy strikes our nation, our level of shock and dissolution seems heightened. Americans begin to wonder; how could this happen; why would someone do such a terrible thing? Honestly, we may never know with any certainty the answer to those questions. What I do believe is that we need to take this opportunity and discuss what, and how, as a nation, are we going to proceed? Is this a gun control issue; does this fall back on family and creating a sense of community within our nation? Is this event one of the downfalls of living in a free society? What are your thoughts?

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