Spiderman, Pirates of the Caribbean, Shrek 3, Mr. Brooks, and 1408 are all but a few of the summer movies to hit big screens across America. Yet, if you lend me your ear; I will make a plea for a movie that deserves all the attention and publicity it can get. That movie my friends is 'SICKO' and if you haven't heard of it, ...I'll repeat it again 'SICKO'. What is it about? Micheal Moore [Fahrenheit 911] in case his name doesn't ring a bell; SICKO is his new documentary about the shameful state of the United States of America's health care system. If you are not a fan of Micheal Moore; don't let that keep you from seeing this movie. The subject of the disastrous state of health care in this movie is not a partisan issue; this film is not for Democrats or Republicans only; it's for everybody. If you are an American and desperately want the government to wake-up and change our nations health care system, then this movie is the sounding board you have been waiting for. Moore exposes some hard to swallow facts about our nations health care system. For example, why the United States, if not the richest and most profitable nation on earth, ranks 37th in health care quality compared to other nations?
It is time we raised the level of discourse in this country and started talking about things that matter. I know I am guilty here too, most of my blogs have been about superficial meaningless banter. But, there is a time and place for everything; so the banter will continue. Nonetheless, when the time is right, when the exigence is present; we as a nation need to become more politically active, involved, and aware. Ask me what movie I am most excited about; and I will reply SICKO, my friends.
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