In case you missed her the last time you purchased music on itunes, please check out Shakira, you know, one of the world's best selling female artist, with top 40 hits such as, 'Whenever, Wherever', 'Underneath Your Clothes', and 'Hips Don't Lie'. The 32 year old Colombian born chanteuse has been singing and performing for most of her life. She's relatively huge everywhere except here, the good ole USofA. We undeniably reward good talent on these shores, like Ke$ha, right? So, if you haven't found Shakira relatively interesting in the past decade, give her a listen, now. Shakira's latest release, 'She Wolf' fits in well with much of what popular music is today. It's super catchy and beat driven, on songs like 'Men in this Town', in which Shakira ponders where all the "good" men have gone. It seems California's night life, doesn't quite live up to expectations. Precise, the song captures a common sentiment, [you get all dolled up and hit the clubs, only to find a bunch a douche bags awaiting your arrival] enveloped in a hypnotic/electronic beat. With several Neptunes powerhouse tracks, Shakira seems to have found her muse with Pharrell and company. The only drawback to 'She Wolf' is that she didn't include enough original music. There are 3 Spanish versions of tracks, remixes, and live recordings, unnecessary filler. Download, 'Why Wait', 'Did it Again', 'Give it to Me', and 'Gypsy'.