Current Health Care Reform debates, [I use that term loosely] and the town hall meeting discussions[even more loosely] both clearly illuminate America's tepid free fall into a land full of idiots. Harsh words, maybe, but simply take a look around at attitudizing customer service workers, entertainment news media, but really politics in particular. Words like Socialism, Fascist, Racist, Vampires, Rapists, Death panels, Nazi, Euthanasia, and the list goes on, continue to float out of mainly Republican pundits mouths way too easily, without any concern or regard for the outcome. Well, free speech is a wonderful thing and I would never advocate censorship. But, the reality is we live in a society in which opinion is often ingested as fact. I would discuss the birther movement, but that's too easy. Something so ridiculous should have never gained traction in this country, but again to the point of this blog, idiots consume and color the the landscape.
Simply look at health care town hall rallies across the country a place where sensible and reasoned discussion should take place has instead become a breeding ground for idiots and charlatans, taking their propaganda and spreading it like wildfire. People [citizens] should know that Nationalized Health Care will not take away anyone's ability to choose. Likewise, consider other government institutions, the postal service or public education, both compete against private corporations or entities.
For example, consider this, if you don't want your child to go to public schools, then guess what? Little Suzie or Johnny don't have to go. As a parent, you can choose to send them to a private school. And, do we all [American citizens] pay for public education? Absolutely! I am a single man with no dependents. Can you guess how much more I pay in taxes than a married couple with children? A lot! Do I care? No! I realize a function of the federal government is to empower it's citizens. Education is central to and for a well maintained and functioning society. It's no accident that a society which glorifies ignorance is also hell bent on opposing government programs that will ideally benefit the vast majority of Americans. Why? Because idiots generally lack empathy. They have a more nationalist worldview that eagerly attaches to "us" vs. "them" rants. The kind of thinking that leaves little room for progress.We can have discussions about controlling cost and reforming a broken system. Let's not have a discussion that is seeped in fear and trepidation. So to all those Americans who are so afraid right now, take note. Your country is still yours. No one has taken anything away from you. If you like a federal government that runs on autopilot then get ready for a weakened infrastructure, lack luster public facilities, and protections, when the storm approaches and the levees break, don't cry to the federal government because you supported cutting the program aimed at fixing and maintaining the foundation.