Since their February 9th release hit stores, itunes, etc...much has been said about Sade on various music blogs. And while I realize they are a band, the front woman, Sade Adu, for me, makes this band simply outstanding. Sade's smooth and yet powerful vocals will make you stop, look, and listen. Of course, the fact that Sade is exceptionally pretty may have something to do with it, too. However, I'm more inclined to believe it is the subtle richness or affecting vibrato in her voice and the mysteriously eccentric persona she's crafted over 25+ years. I can remember seeing 'Smooth Operator' Sade's first video, on MTV [yes way back when playing videos was standard], from her 1984 Diamond Life LP and feeling sort of hypnotized. I didn't really appreciate the band's music then, but now, as an adult, I can. Sade's music tells stories of romance, heartache, and pain. And, if you're in the right mood, a sentimental mood perhaps, Sade will pull at your heartstrings with vividly visceral lyrics and arrangements. Sade's latest album will debut at # 1 on the Billboard Hot 200 charts this Friday. It's a first for the band on the US charts. Soldier of Love is another consistent emotionally resonate album, much like it's predecessors, SOL is couched in love themes which speak to the melancholy,vitality, and triumph relationships often bring. Download these, 'Moon and the Sky', 'Solider of Love', 'Morning Bird', and 'Skin'.
Favorite Sade Songs
12. Hang on To Your Love
11. Feel No Pain
10. Smooth Operator
9. Paradise
8. No Ordinary Love
7. Your Love is King
6. Nothing Can Come Between Us
5. Love is Stronger than Pride
4. Soldier of Love
3. King of Sorrow
2. Sweetest Taboo
1. Kiss of Life