I Look to You***
Last week Whitney Houston released her long awaited 6th, [I am not including The Bodyguard Soundtrack] studio album. I've contemplated ways to describe her latest set of 11 tracks and today, the analogy or should I say memory hit me.
It was Spring 1997 and like most high school seniors, I was totally ecstatic about Prom. I looked dashing in my tux [my mom told me so]. I had the hot girl [too bad I wasn't really into her]. I would have much rather had my secret crush, a guy I sat behind in my algebra I class my junior year. So, off my date and I went, hand in hand. After we ate dinner with my best friend and his date, we went on our merry way to the statehouse convention, where our Prom was held. We arrived about an hour after it started and stayed about maybe 45 minutes, long enough to take pictures and mingle with our friends. Then we left. I took my date home. Once we got to her house, I walked her to the door. She gave me a kiss and sent me on my way. I got back in my car,sat there for a moment, and thought "is that all there is." And, that is how my Prom night ended. I went home, got out of my dashing tux, and went to sleep. The next day I felt completely spiritless. Prom was so lukewarm. Were my expectations too high? I didn't expect to have sex, in fact it was the last thing I wanted. We were friends and I only wanted her on my arm because she was one of the popular girls, by high school standards anyway. But, Prom itself, the event was so underwhelming. And, that truly is how I feel about Whitney Houston's album, I Look to You. Like Prom, it's just ok.
If you're looking for Whitney of yesterday, then you'll be really disappointed. No soaring crescendo type ballads, leading to possibly glass breaking high notes. Instead, her vocal stylings are husky and hoarse, a distant departure from hits like, I'm your Baby tonight, or Didn't we almost have it All. Still, Whitney manages to keep her sound, the musicality of the album current. On tracks like Million Dollar Bill and For The Lovers, Houston does offer some head bopping, booty shaking bumping and grinding moments. And, if that's what you want, then you'll love the album. The slower jams are nice, good even, but not great. I Look to You is an acceptable relatively middle of the road type comeback. Although Whitney likes to say this album is not a comeback,.. well you be the judge.