Well, it's 2008 and we are well into the primary election season, with the Iowa caucuses finished, all the candidates seem ready for the New Hampshire primary all leading up to Super Tuesday in February. I must admit, I am sort of sick of these round table debates we've become accustomed to seeing. ABC aired the New Hampshire debate last night; I watched the majority of the Democratic candidates, and caught the tail end of the Republican contenders. Was I impressed with any candidates from either party; did anyone standout above the rest? I pondered both questions, as the debate came to a close. Frankly, I was not impressed with any of their performances, and trust, some were "performing." Not because the candidates did not espouse what they'd like to do for the country and the direction they'd like to take it, but because they continually spout the same banter of information, the same political rhetoric, and the same sense of entitlement. I have come to realize that these debates are really good for one thing, SOUNDBITES. Romney accuses McCain of wanting amnesty for illegal aliens, while Clinton accuses Obama of flip flopping, when the truth is they are all guilty of supporting flawed bills or changing positions. It's all pretty dis concerning to watch. Nonetheless, this is an important presidential race, so my best advice; tune into the debates get a feel for the candidates, if you haven't made any decisions either way, then do some research. Don't go to their website, that's all fluff. If you want to know who and what these candidates stand for, you'll have to read the good and the bad; trust me it's out there. Then make an informed decision based on what they hope to accomplish [make sure you believe their plans are realistic] and what they have done in the past.