Back in the Spring of 2006, American Idol rolled out it's 5th season and Katharine McPhee made her debut, singing that is, covering the Billie Holiday tune 'God Bless the Child' in the San Francisco audition. Since, McPhee has made several television and movie appearances and she released her first studio album in 2007. The self-titled disc boasted minimal success, 'Over it', which was a top 30 Billboard hit, and 'Love Story'. McPhee's album landed at the number two spot, reporting sales of 116,000. Shortly after, about a year later, her record label, J records dropped her, after what they considered disappointing single and album sales.
Now, Katharine McPhee has released a new album with Verve Records titled 'Unbroken'. Could this title be a affirmation of the starlet's will to survive in the here today, gone tomorrow world of pop music? Maybe. But, does the disc live up to the implied promise? Depends. If you want a sleek, clean, and just all around good album, then look no further. Katharine's vocals are appropriately soft and powerful, when needed. She has impeccable control, knowing when to hold back and when to let it loose. The technical side of the craft [singing] really shows on 'Unbroken'. Unfortunately, the disk debuted on Billboard at # 27 with 15,000 in sales reported. Unlike her first disk, in which McPhee appeared to be another in a long line of tit's and ass sell music pop stars, 'Unbroken', is more refined and polished, possibly the singer-songwriter type artist McPhee is. It's not all roses, definitely some bland filler, but overall the better songs are worth a listen. Download "It's not Right,' 'Had it all,' 'How,' and 'Unbroken.'