First, Congrats to Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony on their two new additions. Okay, now that I have got the formalities off my chest, on to the critique. On the cover of the latest issue of People magazine, Jennifer Lopez in all of her post pregnancy glory gives the magazine first access to pictures of her beautiful twins. So, we are given a very picturesque image of Lopez and her babies. A People magazine exclusive,how did they get so lucky? Well, the picture is warm, fuzzy, cozy, and serene. Lopez looks the part of the happy new mom. But, we'd expect nothing less from such a top notch actress.
Well, the magazine cover is where the warm fuzzy feelings end. People has devoted a ten page spread to showcase JLO and Anthony's beautiful babies, right? Wrong, all the pictures seem to be more about showing Jennifer in very contrived and self-indulgent poses with her babies. It's almost as if she said, "This photo shoot is about me. I carried these babies for nine months and my ass got fatter. I want to feel pretty again, dammit!" No, I exaggerate. But, if you look at these photos you get a sort of icky feeling. Her intentions feel really disingenious. If you are going to invite People magazine into your home and show your new born babies to the world, shouldn't it be a real organic experience? There was no spontaneity to the pictures; they seem more like JLO playing mommy for the camera versus just being mommy. One of the pictures features JLO in a gorgeous gown standing next to the babies carriage and of course, Anthony is right by her side. What makes the picture so appalling is the look on JLO's face. She's holding one of her twins as if it is an accessory to ascent her gown and hair. And, the look on her face suggest she can't wait for the nanny to get this funny smelling baby out of her arms.
I am taken back to the mid 90s when Madonna offered the world a first look at pictures of she and Lordress ( God I hope I spelled that right), but not to digress too much, the pictures were intimate and vulnerable. The public really saw Madonna in a new light, a new role, and I believe that is what truly resonates with your public, when they see you as Christina Aguilera might say, "Just me, Stripped." Maybe I'm being to harsh, but nothing about People's EXCLUSIVE inside look at JLO's twins seems to be about the babies, but more about her ego. Shame on you JLO.