Strike a pose! VOGUE! This line from Madonna’s 1990 hit sparked a global interest in this gay urban street dance style. And, although Madonna is usually given mainstream credit for bring voguing to the masses, it was another diva that really tapped into this stylistic and queer dance craze; her name is Jody Watley and she is the subject of this Divialicious moment # 2. Jody Watley first began her career in the late 70s on the popular television show Soul Train as one of its featured dancers. A few years later in the early 80s she, along with Howard Hewitt and Jeffery Daniel formed the pop/R&B group Shalamar. They held mediocre success, especially given today’s standards, with hits such as A Night to Remember and The Second Time Around. I can remember rummaging through my dad’s album collection and jamming to some of their songs. Then a few years later it happened, I saw this goddess dancing in a video. She wore huge loop earrings, black heels, black hose under a black skirt that resembled fishnet stockings, a black off the shoulder top that revealed her belly button along with black chains and rings, the pitch black big hair, those cheekbones, a killer black assemble theme. Almost unrecognizable from her Shalamar days, it was Jody Watley singing about finding a new love. She was like an edgier more grown-up version of Janet Jackson in the late eightes. Her style was truly unique and identifiable. She was like this really fierce campy drag queen. So, you know I was hooked. Maybe she was the root for my fascination with drag and female impersonation. In probably one of her least successful singles from her first solo album, the video for Still a Thrill, housed voguing. That’s right kids, Jody was voguing before Madonna. Give her props. In a career that spans well over 20 years, I still love me some Jody.
Favorite Jody Songs
12. I’m the one you need
11. Love Injection
10. Don’t you want me
9. Some Kind of lover
8. Real Love
7. Friends
6. Everything
5. I want you
4. Most of All
3. Ecstasy
2. Looking For a New Love
1. Still A Thrill (she really should re-release this song; it was so before it’s time)
Favorite Jody Songs
12. I’m the one you need
11. Love Injection
10. Don’t you want me
9. Some Kind of lover
8. Real Love
7. Friends
6. Everything
5. I want you
4. Most of All
3. Ecstasy
2. Looking For a New Love
1. Still A Thrill (she really should re-release this song; it was so before it’s time)
Check out the video