Wow! Where do I begin? Was it the slightly over done shades of blue mix blond extensions? Was it the horrible lip synching and not singing at all? Was it the blank stare into the camera, "am I really here"or "I'm quite nervous; I've never done this before" stares? Or was it the scantily clad stripper outfits? Hm.... I can't really pinpoint one thing. But, I'll tell you what it wasn't, a great ground shaking comeback performance. Britney, Britney, Britney, this is yet another embarrassing showing, in a string of "what the fuck" moments in your post babies career. Expectations were high; your fellow musician and fans were pulling for you Brit. But you Bombed, and not just bad, but really, really, really like stink, stank, stunk BAD. Ugh....I feel "A letter to Britney" coming on.