"Grand stands and grand slams," maybe that could work as a tag line for Jessica Simpson's career. In fact, when was the last time you heard anything about her that focused on her singing or even acting for that matter? If you haven't paid too much attention to the celebrity gossip on the "tube" (basically TMZ) lately and have no idea what I am referencing, then just go to your local grocery store. Pick up the latest issue of OK magazine or The National Inquirer. You'll see the "outfit" that's causing more drama for Ms. Simpson than any of her albums or movies. Ok, maybe that's a little harsh, but I can't help but think that the high-waisted denim jeans, the skin tight black tank top and the leopard print belt all scream one thing, "My stylist and publicist sure know how to manipulate public attention." And, why shouldn't they; it's is what celebrities pay them to do. Does she look fat? Well, depends on your definition of fat. But, mostly this isn't even about Jessica Simpson being overweight, I believe it's a desperate star trying to hold on to what little bit of fame she has left. But, she, or here people, are probably handling it the wrong way.
And, don't get me wrong, I am not trying to judge her. Well, maybe I am. But, I do realize the music industry places ridiculous standards and myths of beauty on female artist. And, I know it's become increasingly hard for women to navigate the waters of thin, too thin, skinny and fat. But, Jessica's "I am not fat" pleas just seem really disingenuous. Of course she realizes she's not fat. Still, even if she does think she's fat, she'll lose the weight so quick that to position herself as the victim of media cruelty just doesn't jive with me. She wore the outfit for publicity and it's obviously worked well, for now at least. She still needs a hit, movie, album or single.
Of course, she could begin the fat girl crusade and talk about how the entertainment industry places unfair standards on women? The public sympathy card seemed to work for Jennifer Love-Hewitt and Trya Banks. So, I ask, Jessica Simpson, ghastly fashion faux paux, or grand publicity stunt?