With all the post election frenzy, let us all not forget that although we (most of us anyway) got the person we wanted elected, ballot incentives and state amendments’ passed in California, Arkansas, Arizona and Florida denying GLBT Americans marriage and child care rights. I have written about gay marriage on this blog before but, it’s time to address the issue again. In California the place I considered one of the most liberal states in the union denied GLBT Americans their chance to engage in a symbolic and legally binding institution, marriage.
First, let’s consider how marriage is defined. What is marriage? According to Webster’s dictionary a marriage for all intensive purposes “is a union where by individuals are joined.” That is pretty simple. So why are (were) so many people interested in protecting marriage from redefinition? Ignorance, marriage is still marriage regardless if the two individuals have the same or opposite gender. Historically, marriage between men and women was promoted because it was (is) those unions which promoted reproduction. Looking at the term with a historic lens, given its Latin derivative, the idea of a marriage was not contingent upon the individuals identifying as hetro or homosexual. People did not even identify themselves in terms of their sexuality as people do in modern times. Therefore, if say in Roman or Greek society an older man wanted to take a younger man as his lover, such as the Emperor Nero did in a public ceremony, then it (the ceremony) was considered a marriage.
The great thing about living in a diverse multi-cultural society is that the imperative to protect equal rights must remain intact, especially minority rights. Protecting everyone’s equal rights should have been the moral compass guiding voters, but it was not. Too many people voted based on their religious ideologies. But, that is just it. Living in America, the United States of America gives so many people the right to practice their particular religion freely. That is what makes the United States such a unique a place. Unfortunately, what so many people fail to realize is that since the government has adopted or appropriated the term “marriage” in essence giving it legal legitimacy, it becomes an institution that every citizen should be entitled to fully engage. It does not hurt, harm, redefine or reinterpret anyone’s religion if marriage rights are shared by all members in a society. If your religion only condones one type of marriage as the “right” one, then that is sound and wonderful. Realistically, the United States of American does not have an official religion. Yes, politicians are sworn in Under God, and most all say God bless America. These ceremonial practices may give the impression that the United States follows a national religion, but it does not. Since all religions are not tolerant and/or inclusive organizations, a democratic/republic nation cannot function effectively interpellated to a specific dogma.
Furthermore, civil unions are great. And, they are a step in the right direction. However, separate but equal was abolished in this country. A separate but equal marriage institution would be unconstitutional. Unless, the government divorces itself from the term “marriage” completely, then and only then, would civil unions be constitutional because that is what everyone would be essentially practicing.
Finally, there is a popular saying, “if you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything”. This quote could be used to inspire many feelings, both rational and irrational. But, there is a truth in the sentiment. My fellow GLBT brothers and sisters let us take this opportunity to push for our rights as citizens in this country. Even if you do not want or care about getting married, that is beside the point. This is the kind of discrimination we as Gay Americans face in our generation. Decades before and during the civil rights movement, African-Americans did not have the luxury of being passive about their rights. And, likewise we cannot either. Thus, our battles are harder and often more intricate to defend, but we cannot sit idly and wait for the world to accept us. We have to be willing to stand up for who and what we are.
"Popular Culture is the culture of the subordinated and disempowered and thus always bears within it signs of power relations, traces of the forces of domination and subordination that are central to our social system and therefore to our social experience." --John Fiske
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Obama Wins!

November 4, 2008 will forever be remembered as a historical moment in the United States of America. I believe it is another day when America truly lived up to her potential. Another ceiling has been cracked and the people have spoken. In The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Dubois said, “The problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line.” This is the 21st century and racial problems persist. And like many African Americans, I believed that pervasive institutionalized racism would continue to keep progress and upward mobility out of our grasps. Yesterday, however, I do believe America showed the world that she can stand for something other than prejudice, discrimination, greed, pre-emptive wars, and hypocrisies. Despite all the obstacles that one’s race may present, one can rise to the challenge; Barack Obama rose to the challenge and captured the highest office in the nation. He is the first African-American/bi-racial President Elect of the United States. This is a great moment. One that none of us should soon forget.
Monday, November 3, 2008
New Music Review: Better than Expected

Pink- Funhouse****
This is a fantastic CD. Pink fills it with heartache and sass. After a tumultuous break-up, Pink manages to channel the pain into an angst filled party anthem jam, "So What", which becomes the perfect opener to this conceptual CD. One might expect "Funhouse" to be overtly sad and depressing, but Pink provides an acceptable balance, dealing with the pain of a break and finding true healing power in writing music that is fun and inspiring. Yes, it is really the fun house, I did not expect. Download- Bad Influence (bad chick party anthem)
John Legend- Evolver****
I did not join the John Legend bandwagon until I heard his first single "Green light". Although I was completely captivated with "Ordinary People" a few years ago, I thought the rest of his music sounded the same. But, on "Evolver," Legend manages to mix it up. With the help of Andre 3000 on "Green light" and other artists Legend manages to create an eclectic and soulful disk. Download, "Quickly," "Satisfaction," and "Take Me Away"
Michelle Williams- Unexpected***
"Unexpected" could not be a more perfect title for this collection of pop gems. William's scores on this disk. She manages to set herself apart from the sleuth of other r&b and pop diva's currently on the radio. The often characterized "quiet one" in Destiny's Child, Williams lets her personality shine on "Unexpected." The songs are a refreshing blend of pure dance pop. Download, "Hello Heartbreak," "The Greatest," and "Hangover"
Lady Gaga- The Fame***
Who is Lady Gaga? Well this might be an appropriate question if she did not have the success of her first single, "Just Dance." But, if you're still hesitant to checkout her music, take a chance; you won't be disappointed. "The Fame" is an interesting mix of electronic and pop with r&b influences sprinkled throughout, possibly to give her some edge. If 90s one hit wonder Jane Child and Kylie Minougue could have a child, then we might get Lady Gaga. Download, "The Fame," "Poker Face," and "Paper Gangsta"
Robin Thicke- Something Else***
The r&b crooner is back with "Something Else". In this aptly titled disk, Thicke certainly offers his listeners something else. If you long for the days of Marvin Gaye, Teddy Pendergrass and Luther Vandross, then put your worries away, Thicke is here to fill in the gap. From the beginning to the end of his CD, Thicke manages to capture the muse for passionate and tantalizing songs. The songs are infectious. This is the kind of blue-eyed soul that keeps you coming back for more. Download, "Magic," "Sidestep," and "Dreamworld"
The r&b crooner is back with "Something Else". In this aptly titled disk, Thicke certainly offers his listeners something else. If you long for the days of Marvin Gaye, Teddy Pendergrass and Luther Vandross, then put your worries away, Thicke is here to fill in the gap. From the beginning to the end of his CD, Thicke manages to capture the muse for passionate and tantalizing songs. The songs are infectious. This is the kind of blue-eyed soul that keeps you coming back for more. Download, "Magic," "Sidestep," and "Dreamworld"
Pussycat Dolls- Doll Domination***
Well, the dolls return with a finely tuned pop smorgasbord of fun. The dolls maybe hot, hot, hot. But, they manage to reveal some substance on their sophomore effort. The songs border on being way too over produced, but Nicole's vocals manage to retain some semblance of authenticity on an array of tracks. Melody, another one of the dolls manages to spruce up some of the songs with her high pitch soprano, at times it's refreshing. Mainly, the dolls create an exuberant mix of dance music, perfect for pre-clubbing rituals. Download, "Magic," "Elevator," "Who's Gonna Love You"
Sunday, June 29, 2008
vh1 Culturally Bankrupt

"I love the New Millennium" is the title of a new series on vh1; it wins the "WHAT THE FUCK AWARD" for 2008. I realize that we are only halfway into the year, but I feel it is appropriate to acknowledge one of the more ridiculous things going on in pop culture, thus far. When I first started this blog, I began with a letter to Beyonce Knowles. Similarly, I feel the ever increasing urgency to make yet another plea of sorts to vh1, too. Now, I must state the fact that VH-1 is one of my favorite music network stations;so this criticism truly comes from the heart. I think they try, or at least tried to strike a fair balance between music and reality television programs. Nonetheless, this new installment of "I love" series has proven to be one of the most blatant and overt series of pop culture guilty pleasures, which ultimately leave this pop culture junkie questioning one of his favorite past times, watching television. Now, don't get me wrong; I loved "I love the 80s, 90s, and 70s. And take note, I did not list them in the correct descending order because I am such the fan. I know how each series aired. Unfortunately, I will not watch the new installments of "I love the new Millennium" for two very basic reasons. First, in order for these shows to be successful they need an air of nostalgia behind them. For example, when you think about the 80s, those of us that are old enough to remember the decade at least, you might think about movies such as The Garbage Pail Kids, Short Circuit, or Goonies. You think about songs such as Thriller, We are the World,Girls Just Wanna have Fun, Like a Virgin and Purple Rain. You think about commercials such as, Wendy's 'Where's the Beef,' 'Life cereal's Mikey,' or Brooke Shields advertising Calvin Klein jeans. The point here is that you are able to reminisce and actually get a little feeling of joy in the pit of your stomach as you re-call some memories about your favorite, movies, songs, and commercials. You associate an array of emotions with those memories because they have had time to fester and you have had time romanticize them. Secondly, a decade is 10 years; I am no math genius; but, I believe that means we have 2 years left. Therefore any shows detailing the the end of it seem sort of pointless. To the producers at vh1, pull "I love the New Millennium" ASAP. What's next a show about things that happened 6months ago? I know these type of irrelevant and meaningless programs give your array quasi/semi-gossip columnists and celebrities a chance to dish and make jokes about,say 2004's Superbowl Wardrobe Malfunction. But, do we [the audience] really care what they think? If you are having trouble with programing; here's a thought; show more videos. You know the kind of thing your title suggests.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Cyndi Lauper: Her Best in Years****

At this moment, I am listening to my new favorite summer CD. A couple of weeks ago, as I reviewed amazon's list of upcoming album releases I came across Miss Cyndi Lauper's new album. I thought, "new album" could it be true? She hasn't released any new material in 12 years. Needless to say, I was excited. 'Bring Ya to the Brink' the title of her new album, from the first track to the last,will immediately pull you into Cyndi's crazy labyrinth world. Consider the album as sort of tour de France of Cyndi's mind. Furthermore, the album is a fun and full of energy. If you want the perfect summer CD, then checkout Cyndi Lauper's latest release. Download these: 'Into the Night Life,' 'Rocking Chair,' and 'Set Your Heart.'
Saturday, May 3, 2008
New Cd Review: Madonna, Hard Candy

It's Spring time and what does the season symbolize; Rebirth. No, not the title of Jennifer Lopez's now defunct 3rd album, but Spring is a time when the flowers start to bloom and the sun starts to shine a little more vibrantly. Okay, what does this have to do with music? All the new fresh music that came out this past April was consistent with the season.
Mariah Carey released her 11th studio album E=MC2 on April 15. Her adoring fans flocked to get it--making E=MC2 Mariah's 6th number one album. Madonna and Janet Jackson have both held this title as two female pop artists with the most # albums, now Mariah joins these two divas, although I willing to bet that Madonna's latest release will hit number one--making it her 7th.
And, on that note, Hard Candy****, the title of Madonna's 11th studio album boast an array of hip-hop's finest producers, from Timbaland to Pharreal and Kanye West, Madonna has besieged a highly danceable, easily digestible assortment of music. What do I really think of Madonna's latest venture into pop martyrdom? Madonna has great audience awareness. She has made a career out of reinventing herself--satisfying the masses with a new sound, look, and persona on each of her albums. Hard Candy is no different. She is a true professional--embodying and adopting various musical styles is her signature. Hard Candy is an excellent mixture of late 70s pop/r&b with an early eighties funk vibe,too. The disc is contemporary. Madonna makes this mosaic of club/dance music current. You won't listen to the disc and think "Gosh this sounds dated," but you will hear the late
70s and early 80s influences. On songs like, 'Heartbeat,' Give it to Me,'and 'She's not Me,' Madonna soars into this sort of dance club disco beat that would make the staunches Donna Summer disco fanatic gush with bravado. The only flaw on the album is at points, Madonna's producers seems to guide her too much. The album seems to reflect or showcase their contributions more blatantly than Madonna's. If I compare this album to some of her previous work, Madonna's presence is an undeniable force in songs like, 'Hung up' 'American Life,' or 'Music.' Yet, on Hard Candy, many of the tracks don't sound like a signature Madonna song. The songs could easily be a Nelly Furtado or Gwen Stafani hit. In fact, on some of the songs Madonna seems to be going through the motions. The disk lacks some authenticity. Nonetheless, it is a great dance-hall jam. The most ebullient Madonna fans should enjoy Hard Candy.
Download these, 'Heartbeat,' 'Dance2Nite,' 'Incredible,' and 'Devil wouldn't Recognize You,'
Friday, April 4, 2008
The Bigger Picture: Can You See it Now; May 6, 2008

After Tuesday night's democratic primary election in Indiana and North Carolina, front runner Barack Obama pulled out another victory in North Carolina and a strong second place finish in Indiana. I, for one, am excited. Obama gained some needed momentum after losing in Texas and Pennsylvania. Nonetheless, it looks like he is going to be the democratic nominee,taking on McCain. This has been an exhausting and at times relentless democratic primary campaign season. Clinton has proved herself to be a challenging an formidable opponent.
Obama has been criticized over and over again in the news media for his shortcomings, which really have amounted to nothing more than soundbites. Some have claimed that he has no substance. Well, I believe critics are simply grasping at straws. Yet, the point of this blog is not to debunk those claims. Instead, it is a calling of sorts, in the hope that as Democrats we can see that now is time to get behind Obama (Clinton supporters pay attention). I think if we all take some time and think about what issues are most important to us all, then we will see that Obama's agenda is pretty consistent with Clinton's. I think it's time to reflect on what direction we want to see our nation take in the Middle East, on health care, on gay rights, on economic policy, and on basic fundamental constitutionally granted equal rights for us all. Democratic politicians, although at times may believe in too much government, but ideologically believe in the kind of social programs that are inclusive--which give help to those that need it most, and not just the privileged few. It is time we all started looking at the bigger picture; we need to help build an energy around the democratic nominee because we can't risk another four years of Republican George Bush type politics in the Washington. And, who knows maybe we'll see an Obama/Clinton ticket; that would be an unbeatable force, a partnership we would all truly support.
Friday, March 28, 2008
People Magazine and Jennifer Lopez

First, Congrats to Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony on their two new additions. Okay, now that I have got the formalities off my chest, on to the critique. On the cover of the latest issue of People magazine, Jennifer Lopez in all of her post pregnancy glory gives the magazine first access to pictures of her beautiful twins. So, we are given a very picturesque image of Lopez and her babies. A People magazine exclusive,how did they get so lucky? Well, the picture is warm, fuzzy, cozy, and serene. Lopez looks the part of the happy new mom. But, we'd expect nothing less from such a top notch actress.
Well, the magazine cover is where the warm fuzzy feelings end. People has devoted a ten page spread to showcase JLO and Anthony's beautiful babies, right? Wrong, all the pictures seem to be more about showing Jennifer in very contrived and self-indulgent poses with her babies. It's almost as if she said, "This photo shoot is about me. I carried these babies for nine months and my ass got fatter. I want to feel pretty again, dammit!" No, I exaggerate. But, if you look at these photos you get a sort of icky feeling. Her intentions feel really disingenious. If you are going to invite People magazine into your home and show your new born babies to the world, shouldn't it be a real organic experience? There was no spontaneity to the pictures; they seem more like JLO playing mommy for the camera versus just being mommy. One of the pictures features JLO in a gorgeous gown standing next to the babies carriage and of course, Anthony is right by her side. What makes the picture so appalling is the look on JLO's face. She's holding one of her twins as if it is an accessory to ascent her gown and hair. And, the look on her face suggest she can't wait for the nanny to get this funny smelling baby out of her arms.
I am taken back to the mid 90s when Madonna offered the world a first look at pictures of she and Lordress ( God I hope I spelled that right), but not to digress too much, the pictures were intimate and vulnerable. The public really saw Madonna in a new light, a new role, and I believe that is what truly resonates with your public, when they see you as Christina Aguilera might say, "Just me, Stripped." Maybe I'm being to harsh, but nothing about People's EXCLUSIVE inside look at JLO's twins seems to be about the babies, but more about her ego. Shame on you JLO.
Monday, March 24, 2008
New Spring 2008 Music: Hits and Misses

Spring is upon us and that means new music.
Full Disc
Danity Kane- Welcome to the Doll House**
Five Hot Girls, what more do I need to say? Well, apparently Diddy is relying on that same sentiment inherent in most pop music fans shallow dispositions to sell Danity Kane's second sophomore disc. I am not necessarily saying this album will be a flop, but it's too generic and bland. These girls all have yet to define who they are in pop/r&b music. Their sound is so heavily manufactured and overproduced that even now, unlike their first disc, vocally each girl is really indistinguishable from the next. Part of the appeal of girl groups is that their is always at least one or two lead singers that pretty much sell the group. Think about groups such as, the Supremes, Destiny's Child, En Vogue, Expose, and the Pussycat Dolls, one person's vocals really defined these groups. Yes, it is great when you hear each member sing, and more importantly that the public knows they can all sing; it just makes the group seem more legitimate as artists. Unfortunately, Danity Kane lacks any vocal identity or maturity. There is nothing really characteristic about the group's sound that will take them to the next level. However, the album does have some luminous parts,as a result of stellar production, similar to Miss Brittany's latest album 'The Blackout.' Overall it's just okay; I don't see this record being successful outside of the first single. Download these: "Damaged," "Pretty Boy,"Sucka for your Love," and "Bad Girl."
Madonna- 4 Minutes to Save the World****
With such and awkward title, one might expect Madge's first single to be a real bore, but it is quite the opposite. In fact, this single could be well on it's way to the umber one spot atop of Billboard's Hot 100 singles list,for the Queen herself. Madonna's last number one hit was 2000's "Music." However, I predict "4 Minutes" will be her next chart topper. The single is infectious and bold. With the pulsating marching band style beat and of course, the irresistible Timberlake and Timbaland connection, Madonna's new producutin crew might just be the catalyst she needs to send this record straight to numero uno!
Mariah Carey- Touch My Body***
If it ain't broke, don't fix it, the old adge proves true on Mimi's latest effort. In 2005, Mariah reached music prominence again with her vindication disc, "The Emancipation of Mimi," although I question her usage of the word 'Emancipation' girl were you really in bondage? I think not. This time around, in 2008, Mariah has opted to continue to reiterate her sexy sexy. Nothing about "Touch my Body" is really new or innovative, but Mariah is consistent, which deserves some credit. She knows what her audience expects; and she delivers. Mariah has not been one to digress from the formula, and when you know what works; you have to go with it. But, I think this single lacks a little substance; vocally, it is pretty sub-par. But the it is somewhat melodic and I can see people cruising down the road to Miss E=MC2.
Monday, March 10, 2008
The 9 Lives of Janet Jackson or 10th, but who’s really counting?

February 26, 2008 marked the tenth time Miss Janet Jackson released a studio album. Her latest release entitled “Discipline” is the singer’s 3rd attempt to reclaim that coveted number one spot on the Billboard hot 200. Jackson’s last album to debut at number one was 2001’s “All For You.” Well, it seems Janet edged her bets wisely on “Discipline” dropping long time producers, collaborative duo Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis for hip-hop and R&B producer Rodney Jerkins. “Discipline” pulled in at the number one spot on the Billboard 200 this past weekend, making it her first since 2001. I could not be happier. I have been a long time Janet fan. I hope this is a sweet victory for Miss Jackson. Since, the now infamous Nipplegate scandal her two subsequent releases 2004’s “Damita Jo” and 2006’s 20 Y.O. were not number 1 debuts. However, I am a firm believer that it was that incident, which shifted the public’s attention away from Janet Jackson’s music. “Damita Jo” was a great album, in fact is my favorite Janet disc to date. But, I believe “Discipline” will reign supreme for at least a couple of weeks. Janet is a true crossover artist. She is her best when she combines both pop and r&b effectively on her albums. Damita Jo was a great mix of the two, but she couldn’t escape the Super bowl controversy and as a result the album flopped.
Now on to the critique. Is “Discipline” a great album? Or will it evaporate into an abyss of desolate oblivion as so many pop albums have done lately? Hmm…well, I sure it hope it doesn’t but “Discipline” really doesn’t offer up much ingenuity and creativity one would expect to find on a killer arguably comeback album. But, to digress, let’s face it, most pop albums today are so single driven that only about ½ the album is worth your hard earned money. I think about albums such as Amy Winehouse’s “Back to Black” or Justin Timberlake’s “Future Sex, Lovesounds,” these two really eclipse for me, what a great pop album is all about. “Discipline” is not great, but it defiantly shines in many places. The first five songs, Feedback, Luv, Rollercoaster, Rock with U, and 2nite will take you back to the vintage Janet sound that defined some of her previous discs such as 1993’s “Janet” or 1989’s “Rhythm Nation.” Toward the middle of “Discipline” is where Janet starts to waiver. Let’s face she’s not a ballad singer, but some slow songs really work well with her soft pre-pubescent boyish whimper. The middle of the album is mainly filler; it doesn’t really pick back up until some of the last tracks such as, “So Much Better” and “The 1.” The title track “Discipline” really stays in sync with the type of songs Janet has ended every one of her albums with since “Control.” Sexy, erotic, sensual, and seductive, Janet loves to play within all these roles on all her albums. She flaunts the sex-kitten persona effectively on each and does not disappoint on the title track either. Although she has gained some criticism for continuing to recycle this image on each of her albums, I really can’t blame her. If it isn’t broke, don’t try to fix it. Yes, she is a 41 year old woman singing about her sexual escapades or desires, and it probably is time she moved on into a more refined sound, but this seductress sound is quintessential Janet; one that she does well. Overall, “Discipline” is an above average disc. The first five songs are stellar; they will get you in the mood to party; the next three might put you to sleep, but don’t fret the suggestive Missy Elliot penned lyrics on “The 1” should perk you right back up. Download these “Feedback,” “Luv,” “Rock with U,” “2nite,” “The 1,” and “Discipline”
Some of my Favorite Janet slow grooves Favorite Janet Albums 10-least favorite 1- absolute favorite
“Funny How Time Flies” 10. Janet Jackson (self titled first album)
“Someday is Tonight” 9. Dream Street
“Anytime, Anyplace” 8. 20 Y.O.
“Anything” 7. Discipline
“When We Ooh” 6. All For You
“Moist” 5. Rhythm Nation 1814
“Take Care” 4. The Velvet Rope
“Discipline” 3. Janet
2. Control
1. Damita Jo
Sunday, January 6, 2008
ABC Presidential Debates

Well, it's 2008 and we are well into the primary election season, with the Iowa caucuses finished, all the candidates seem ready for the New Hampshire primary all leading up to Super Tuesday in February. I must admit, I am sort of sick of these round table debates we've become accustomed to seeing. ABC aired the New Hampshire debate last night; I watched the majority of the Democratic candidates, and caught the tail end of the Republican contenders. Was I impressed with any candidates from either party; did anyone standout above the rest? I pondered both questions, as the debate came to a close. Frankly, I was not impressed with any of their performances, and trust, some were "performing." Not because the candidates did not espouse what they'd like to do for the country and the direction they'd like to take it, but because they continually spout the same banter of information, the same political rhetoric, and the same sense of entitlement. I have come to realize that these debates are really good for one thing, SOUNDBITES. Romney accuses McCain of wanting amnesty for illegal aliens, while Clinton accuses Obama of flip flopping, when the truth is they are all guilty of supporting flawed bills or changing positions. It's all pretty dis concerning to watch. Nonetheless, this is an important presidential race, so my best advice; tune into the debates get a feel for the candidates, if you haven't made any decisions either way, then do some research. Don't go to their website, that's all fluff. If you want to know who and what these candidates stand for, you'll have to read the good and the bad; trust me it's out there. Then make an informed decision based on what they hope to accomplish [make sure you believe their plans are realistic] and what they have done in the past.
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