If you know me, then you know my favorite female vocalist is Janet Jackson. When I was a kid, my sister and I both were in love with the Jackson family. She was the Micheal fan and I was Janet's. I can remember placing all sorts of Janet posters on my wall. Gosh, memories...oh well, Janet is back, again and I hope this time she will hit the top of the the charts with her new single 'Feedback.' Unlike 'Just a little while' and 'Call on Me' her first singles from her last two Cd's 'Damita Jo' and '20 YO,' I think 'Feedback' maybe just the right combination of pop and r&b that her last two disk have lacked.
'Feedback' seems to be Janet's answer to the current 20 somethings pop frenzy. Artist like Ciara, Beyonce, Brittany(not so much anymore) Christina, and the occasional one-hit wonder like Cassie, making or leaving their mark on what's successful in the industry, artist such as Ms. Jackson have to copy their styles to really get any attention. what's ironic about that is it was female vocalist like Janet and Madonna whom inspired these girls. Go figure, right?
The single itself relies heavily on voice manipulation and the whole synthesized sound that is currently taking over the industry. Is this the best Janet? No! But, it will propel her career--placing her back inside the radar of teenagers--the driving force behind much of 'what is' and 'is not' popular in pop music--the MTV kids.
Janet's 10th studio album is set to drop in Late February. I for one can't wait.
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