Earlier this week all the blogs were ablaze reporting the out-spoken and controversial blogger Perez’s Hilton's confrontation at a popular West coast night club with the Black Eye Peas manager. First, it goes with saying, but I’ll say it anyway, no matter what Hilton said, he didn’t deserve to get punched. And from what it looks like, he got the _ _ _ _ knocked out of him. Everyone condemned Chris Brown for his brutal attack, so the same should apply to the B.E.P’s manager. But, I think public attention is more focused on the gay slur Hilton hurled at the B.E.P’s manager. So, it seems a case of clear violent behavior is now overshadowed by Hilton’s speech.
I don’t like Hilton. He does post some funny, crazy, ridiculous celebrity gossip on his blog. But, he just seems very annoying and fake. Like most 15 minute fame pseudo celebs he thinks he’s actually important.
Still, I do question why Hilton felt no other word in the English language could express his feelings. Of course, I’m guilty of saying things like, “oh you’re so gay, or that’s so gay, or even you fag.” But, and a pretty big one I might add. It’s all about context and intent. And, given the context of Hilton’s confrontation, and his own admission, he was using the word in the most hurtful way.
And, some gay activist would charge that in the heat of the moment he became like all those small minded and bigoted people who throw that slur at gay men daily. Hilton writes, "Words can hurt. I know that very well, from both sides of the fence. The other night in Toronto, after feeling physically threatened by a verbally abusive will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas, I chose the most hurtful word I know to hurl at him. I was in an out-of-the ordinary situation and used a word that I would not utter under normal circumstances." While I disagree with his word choice, he wasn’t exercising clear judgment, as is common among politicians these days, he “mis-spoke.” I’m all for political correctness, but sometimes emotions get the best of people, hell, most of the time. So, I think it’s a little premature to argue that Hilton’s comment was anything other than an angry and upset person exercising poor judgment. Yes, as a gay man himself, he shouldn’t have called the B.E.P’s manager a faggot. But, I think it’s slightly disingenuous to suggest that his use of the word is somehow analogous to say Isaiah Washington’s rant.
I don’t like Hilton. He does post some funny, crazy, ridiculous celebrity gossip on his blog. But, he just seems very annoying and fake. Like most 15 minute fame pseudo celebs he thinks he’s actually important.
Still, I do question why Hilton felt no other word in the English language could express his feelings. Of course, I’m guilty of saying things like, “oh you’re so gay, or that’s so gay, or even you fag.” But, and a pretty big one I might add. It’s all about context and intent. And, given the context of Hilton’s confrontation, and his own admission, he was using the word in the most hurtful way.
And, some gay activist would charge that in the heat of the moment he became like all those small minded and bigoted people who throw that slur at gay men daily. Hilton writes, "Words can hurt. I know that very well, from both sides of the fence. The other night in Toronto, after feeling physically threatened by a verbally abusive will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas, I chose the most hurtful word I know to hurl at him. I was in an out-of-the ordinary situation and used a word that I would not utter under normal circumstances." While I disagree with his word choice, he wasn’t exercising clear judgment, as is common among politicians these days, he “mis-spoke.” I’m all for political correctness, but sometimes emotions get the best of people, hell, most of the time. So, I think it’s a little premature to argue that Hilton’s comment was anything other than an angry and upset person exercising poor judgment. Yes, as a gay man himself, he shouldn’t have called the B.E.P’s manager a faggot. But, I think it’s slightly disingenuous to suggest that his use of the word is somehow analogous to say Isaiah Washington’s rant.
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