Saturday night I had the pleasure to attend a Bush Bashing event. No.. actually it was not all Bush Bashing, it was a Democratic Fundraiser for Presidential hopeful Hilary Clinton. The event was held in Alltell Arena with about 4,000 plus attending. It felt good being around people who supposedly share the same beliefs or vision for our country. I felt great in fact, but I think there was something lacking. Where was the synergy? The crowd seemed very relaxed and even bored at times. I am a native Arkansan; I know we can get excited. Just attend any Razorback football game and you'll see Arkansans show their spirit. Our congressional Representatives and Governor Mike Beebe all were supposed to get the crowed pumped, primed, and ready for Mrs. Clinton. For the most part they did; they each had wonderful things to say about her and their remarks got sufficient responses(cheers and claps) but no pig..soooiee from the crowd. So, what am I getting at here? Well with such a build up, did Clinton deliver? Although I support Hilary and believe she wants to make some significant real needed changes in this country, I can't say that her speech was energizing or inspiring, maybe even forgetful. Okay so lets backup for a second; if I make a claim, I should support it with reason. In the continuing evolution of political candidates, and yes folks evolution does occur, it is not good enough to have an impeccable resume filled with experience and credentials. Of course, those things make a difference, we can see that qualified should really mean "qualified." We have the Bush administration to thank for giving us unqualified people, thus we never want to retreat to placing people in positions because of certain loyalties. Nonetheless, a political candidate and especially a Presidential hopeful, has to be able to sell them self. They are applying for a job, undoubtedly the most important job in our nation. So, what does that mean? First it means they have to inspire people. Political candidates have to make people believe in their convictions. Second, and this goes for so much in life, but really is important for public speaking and writing-know your audience. Political candidates have to know the audience's needs, wants, and desires. On a general level, most politicians know this, but what makes for great speeches, good public oratory is inundated with audience awareness. Critics may say that could get candidates in trouble; they could be said to be flip flopper's or double talkers. Yet, I think the more aware of your audience you are, the better informed your speech will be, and you will not make mistakes such as double talk. It does not mean you are disingenuous, it just means you are not taking you supporters needs for granted. Finally, Senator Clinton's speech was brief; she did hit all the major talking points, but I am compelled to say it lacked the charisma and ardor it really needed.
If I had to grade her speech, and essentially that is what I am doing; I give her a C+/B-. I was good, but could have been better (more Bush Bashing), she did make her positions clear, or as clear as any politician will at this point in the race. I think there were some missed ceremonial opportunities to get the crowed fired up. Once you tap into people's emotion you have really got them sold.
1 comment:
Ummmm.....Obama in '08.
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